Laglers Hotel Weinberghof & Weingut

Hotel, Hotelová ubytovňa

Táto prevádzka je vynikajúca...

  • Klasifikácia podľa hviezdičiek: 4 hviezdičky
  • Best of Wachau

Váš pobyt

The Hotel Garni**** Weinberghof is located in the historic centre of Spitz, in the heart of the Wachau.
The uniquely quiet, idyllic location, surrounded by vineyards with a magnificent view and situated directly along the World Heritage Trail, the cosy and spacious guest rooms, two gourmet rooms and the extensive breakfast buffet, with many small delicacies from the region, add to the charm of this family-run hotel.

The very personally run house is the ideal starting point to experience culture, nature, wine and culinary delights. To really feel good, there is a sun terrace with a wonderful view, sun loungers for lounging and the, where you can enjoy wines from the own winery and regional specialities in peace and quiet.

 Laglers Hotel Weinberghof & Weingut

Excellent hotel.

  • Good alcoholic drinks

  • Hotel buildings could use some improvement

  • Friendly service

  • Spacious rooms

  • Great location

    • „Lovely location“
  • Friendly service

  • Great room

    • „Amazing accommodation“
    • „Comfortable bed“
  • Tasty breakfast

    • „Stunning breakfast“

  • Breakfast

    5.0 / 5
    • „Stunning breakfast“
  • Bar

    5.0 / 5
  • Location

    4.8 / 5
    • „Lovely location“
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    • „Absolute hospitality“
  • Room

    4.2 / 5
    • „Amazing accommodation“
    • „Comfortable bed“
  • Vibe

    3.4 / 5
  • Amenities

    3.1 / 5
  • Breakfast

    5.0 / 5
    • „Stunning breakfast“
  • Location

    4.9 / 5
    • „Lovely location“
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    • „Absolute hospitality“
  • Room

    4.2 / 5
    • „Amazing accommodation“
    • „Comfortable bed“
  • Amenities

    3.0 / 5

Vybavenie ubytovania

  • Charakteristiky vybavenia
    Bar, Kaviareň/Bistro, Nabíjacia stanica na e-bicykle, E-čerpacia stanica, Terasa/záhrada, Vlastná viecha, Hotelový sejf, WLAN
  • Služby
    Nápoje na predaj, Ab Hof Verkauf, Domáce zvieratá povolené, Gratis vyzdvihnutie z najbližšej železničnej stanice, Parkpvisko
  • Šport/rekreácia
    Záhrada, Sauna
  • Kapacity
    Izby: 15, Jednolôžkové izby: 1, Dvojlôžkové izby: 12, Apartmánové izby (suity): 2
  • Poloha
    vidiecke miesto, okrajová časť, pokojné prostredie
  • Vzdialenosť
    do centra mesta / mesta: 0.5 km

Pobočky a trasy

  • Kontakt

    Laglers Hotel Weinberghof & Weingut

    Elisabeth Lagler

    Am Hinterweg 17
    3620 Spitz

    Telefón: +43 2713 2939


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