
Horský bicykel tour od Train station Loich

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Plné zobrazenie
Údaje o túre
  • Náročnosť: náročné
  • Trasa: 23,37 km
  • Stúpanie: 875 Hm
  • Zostup: 875 Hm
  • Trvanie: 2:00 h
  • Najnižší bod: 391 m
  • Najvyšší bod: 862 m
  • Round tour
  • Nice views
  • Accessibility by train and bus
  • Insider tip

Detaily pre: Loicher-Panoramarunde

Krátky opis

The Pielachtal is not only a natural jewel, it is also perfectly suitable for mountain biking! 

The Loicher panoramic round one of the MTB routes of the Pielachtales is a energetic trip, as many wish, a constant up and down with great panoramic views of the surrounding mountains - the route makes all honor to its name!


Train station Loich - Großgrub - Hammerlmühlgegend - Hinterriegl - Loich - station Loich (train station Loich, view onto Schnabelstein, branch Falkensteinmäuern (mountain walls), fork Bergbauernmuseum (mountain farm museum), Chapel, view onto the Ötscher, Pichl-Mühle (mill), train station Loich.)

Počiatočný bod túry

Train station Loich

Opis trasy Loicher-Panoramarunde

From the Loicher train station the trail gently rolls a few hundred meters along next to the Pielach (river), to then turn right and become heavy and exhausting, as it alternates between gravel and asphalt to the elevated farms, from where you can enjoy spectacular views onto the surrounding area.

It is important enough to bring along a drink, as already here a first sip from the bottle will be necessary.

By going through the Rehgraben (trench) do we bring the second hard climb behind us. After which, the trail continues from the Bauernhof (farm) Burgstall on an attractive and new descent through the Schwarzengraben (trench) to again reach the main road.

We accompany the romantic Loichbach (river) for a short time and then take the branching of to the right, at first asphalt then on gravel carried almost never ending increase in attack. Around the Brentkogel and the Schnabelstein does the ascent continue, to then be rewarded at the top with a magnificent panorama (Ötscherblick) and currently with the sight of bright blue Wiesenenzian (flowers).

From now on the trail descends! At first one should take it more leisurely, as the line here very selectively - coarse gravel and roots - is. However as soon as one reaches the asphalt road, the trail continues then more swiftly past the Loicher municipal office back to the train station of Loich.

The orientation on the line was and is no problem, as thanks to the Pielachtaler cycling club (www.pielachtal.com/radclub) are the trails in the Pielachtal excellently signposted. After this really exhausting, but "really" beautiful round one can refresh themselves now in the Pielachtaler Moststube (Cider House).


A1, Exit St.Pölten Süd, turn right direction Traisen- and Pielachtal, At the traffic lights turn right direction Obergrafendorf/Kirchberga.d.Pielach/Pielachtal, Pielachtalbundesstraße to Dobersnigg, left cross the bridge abd continue to Loich

Mariazellerbahn Bhf Loich

Ďalšie informácie / odkazy

Marktgemeinde Kirchberg/Pielach
Tel. 02722/73 09, Fax 02722/7533-20
E-mail: gemeinde@kirchbergpielach.at 
Gemeinde Loich
Tel. 02722/82 25, Fax DW 14 
E-mail: gemeinde.loich@wavenet.at 
Pielachtaler Moststube
Dobersnigg 3, A-3211 Loich
Tel. & Fax: 02722/83 18

Mostviertel Tourismus
Töpperschloss Neubruck
Neubruck 2/10, 3283 Scheibbs
T +43/7482/204 44

Bezpečnostné opatrenia

Bitte beachten Sie die Wintersperre dieser und aller weiteren MTB-Strecken im Mostviertel von 01. November bis 14. April. 

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!


Mapa doporučená

MTB-Karte Mostviertel Tourismus

Tip autora

Model railway system - Mariazellerbahn; Schloß Kirchberg/Pielach; Big public baths; Kardinal König - Gedenkbüste; Train hiking trail a.d. Mariazellerbahn

Loicher Erlebnisbauernhöfe (Activity farmhouses): Fuchsien Vroni, Fr. Riegler; Loicher Heimatmuseum

Viac zájazdov okolo východiskového bodu