Power Station Ybbs-Persenbeug
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Stromerzeugung aus Wasserkraft hautnah erleben!
Dive into the fascinating world of electricity generation from hydropower!
Directly along the famous Danube cycle path Austria’s oldest and fourth-strongest Danube power station invites you to an exciting exhibition about the different components of a power station, its architectural history, the turbines, the modernization and much more. Models, short film clips and bicycle simulators familiarize you with the manifold functions of a power plant.
People with a particular affinity for technology additionally expect unique virtual reality images with impressive 3D effects (with smartphone and special goggles) and spectacular insights into the inner workings of the power plant. On the basis of interactive stations, young researchers can discover the power plant in separate children’s tours, produce electricity by themselves as well as control the generation of energy of several power stations.
After the guided tour through the company building the mighty outdoor lock can be visited, where information about the locking event of ships, the tasks of the lock attendant and the navigation along the Danube is given.
Currently the english tours are only offered in special cases and against early notification in advance!