
Historické miesto, Múzeum, Prírodný zážitok, Zážitkový svet, Zážitok so zvieratami

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Der Heldenberg, Ein Ort, sieben Erlebnisse

Heldenberg is a great destination for all the family thanks to its varied attractions for visitors of all ages. Visitors can see the most famous horses in Austria – the Lipizzaner stallions from the Spanish Riding School in Vienna – in the stables and during training sessions. Koller’s Oldtimer museum provides a fascinating look at automotive history – tracking the industry’s progress from the earliest automobiles [R1] to present-day sports cars. The Radetzky Memorial provides an insight into the life of the Field Marshall it commemorates and his battles, making it the ideal choice for history buffs. Nearby, a Neolithic village takes visitors back in time to the New Stone Age. In addition to pre-historic buildings, the attraction lifts the lid on everyday life at the time through ancient craftsmanship. Visitors can see how their ancestors baked bread, cut stones, made pottery and ground grain as they find out more about people’s lives back then. Aigner’s Falkenhof awaits discovery in a separate part of the Neolithic village. At this falconry station, visitors can find out more about native birds of prey as well as breeding programmes for protected and endangered species designed to reintroduce these magnificent creatures to the wild. And after all that action there is a café serving a full range of snacks and meals, as well as an English garden criss-crossed with winding pathways which is perfect for taking a stroll. In all of the different areas, children can look forward to adventure trails and countless opportunities to prove their skills in various games.



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